Authors: D. Della Giustina, C. Piazza, B. Riccardi, R. Romanello. Title: Quantum Encoding of Dynamic Directed Graphs. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
Authors: A. Della Schiava, C. Piazza, R. Romanello Title: Classical computation over quantum architectures: From graph encoding to declarative languages compilation Journal of Logic and Computation
Authors: D. Ressi, R. Romanello, C. Piazza, S. Rossi Title: AI-enhanced blockchain technology: A review of advancements and opportunities Journal of Network and Computer Applications
Authors: D. Della Giustina, C. Piazza, B. Riccardi, R. Romanello. Title: Directed Graph Encoding in Quantum Computing Supporting Edge-Failures. Conference: Reversible Computation, 2022.
Authors: C. Bianchini, A. Policriti, B. Riccardi, R. Romanello. Title: Incremental NFA Minimization. Conference: Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, 2022.
Authors: C. Piazza, D. Ressi, R. Romanello, S. Rossi Title: Neural Networks Reductions via Lumping Conference: International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2022.
Authors: C. Piazza, R. Romanello, R. Wille. Title: An ASP Approach for the Synthesis of CNOT Minimal Quantum Circuits. Conference: Italian Conference in Computational Logic, 2023.
Authors: A. Della Schiava, C. Piazza, R. Romanello. Title: Graph-Theoretical Arguments in Support of a
Quantum Declarative Manifesto. Conference: Italian Conference in Computational Logic, 2023.
Best student paper award
Authors: C. Piazza, R. Romanello. Title: Synthesis of CNOT minimal quantum circuits with
topological constraints through ASP. Conference: AI x IA, Workshop on Quantum Computation, 2023.
Authors: R. Romanello, D. Della Giustina, S. Pessotto, C. Piazza Title: Speeding up Answer Set Programming by Quantum Computing. Conference: QUASAR24 , 2024.