On the spare time of a PhD student

Theorem: even PhD students have free time.
Proof: non-trivial, but left as an exercise to the PhD readers.


During my life I never thought I could write this: I really enjoy sports! In the past year I have become very passionate about: running, cycling and skiing. A friend of mine is trying to take me to climb but I am not that brave. I will keep you updated.


I am really into Marvel Cinematic Universe. I also love Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (just to cite some) and all 80s/90s movies (Great Scott!). Yes, you can call me geek if you want!


I discovered I love reading pretty late in my life. Now I am a book eater. Currently, I am reading The end of Eternity by Isaac Asimov and Limit by Frank Schätzing


Especially during my long running/cycling sessions I listen to a podcasts. The ones I like the most are about either post-second world war history or unsolved misteries.