Riccardo Romanello

PhD Student • CV

Bachelor and Master degree in Computer Science

I think therefore I am

Besides what my friends may say, I love thinking. I am interested in everything that can somehow be studied. Computer Science, Math and Physics are my favourite topics. My main research interest is Quantum Computation, as the result of the union between modern physics and computer science. Nevertheless, I am interested in everything that concerns both theoretical and practical Computer Science.
October, 2018

Bachelor degree

I got my bachelor degree in Computer Science at University of Udine. My thesis was about a gentle introduction to models for quantum computation. The main focus was given to quantum turing machines.

May, 2019

Dies Academicus

In 2019 I was awarded as Best Computer Science Student at Dies Academicus, hosted by University of Udine. In the picture you can see (from the left): Professor Agostino Dovier, me and the (former) dean of the University. Receiving the award really felt like being in the sorting cerimony from Harry Potter.

October, 2021

Master degree

I got my master degree in Computer Science at University of Udine. My thesis was about Quantum Finite Automata (QFA). A brief history of QFA was done in order to give a clear characterization of the state of the art. The original work introduced in this paper has turned into a paper you can find the publications section.

November, 2021

My PhD begins

Days after getting my Master Degree I started my PhD in Udine. My main research focus will be Quantum Computing. In particular, I will study theoretical foundations of Quantum Computation. Anyway, I will always be ready to work on problems and topics outside quantum to expand my limits.

June, 2022

Italian Confernce on Computational Logic

I got my proposal accepted at CILC 2022, hosted in Bologna. The work was about Quantum Finite Auotmata.

July, 2022

Reversible Computation

A few days after CILC, I was in Urbino for RC. I presented a proposal about Directed Graph Encoding in Quantum Computing.

December, 2022


In December 2022, Udine hosted the 21st edition of the International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. I had a paper accepted about Neural Network Reduction.

March, 2023


From March to May 2023, I was invited as a visiting student at Technical University of Munich. I worked with the Quantum Team under Professor Robert Wille supervision. The main topic I delved into was the Quantum Circuit Minimization. In particular, I got really interested into the T-gate and the CNOT-gate minimzation problem.

June, 2023

Italian Confernce on Computational Logic

I got two proposals accepted at CILC 2023, hosted in Udine. One paper was about synthesis of CNOT optimal circuits. The other one was an attempt to create a bridge between Quantum Computing and Logic Programming. Me and my co-author Alex Della Schiava were awarded with the best student paper prize for the latter article.

November, 2023

AIxIA 23

I got my paper on CNOT Minimization under topological constraints accepted at AIQxQIA, a workshop co-located with AIxIA23 in Rome. AIQxQIA was the first edition of a workshop that aims at finding what Quantum Computation can do for AI and viceversa. My supervisor and I were both members of the program committee.

June, 2024


In June 2024 I got my work on speeding up Answer Set Programming using Quantum Computation accepted ad QUASAR24.