October, 2018
Bachelor degree
I got my bachelor degree in Computer Science at University of Udine. My thesis was
about a gentle introduction to models for quantum computation. The main focus
was given to quantum turing machines.
May, 2019
Dies Academicus
In 2019 I was awarded as Best Computer Science Student at Dies Academicus, hosted by University of Udine.
In the picture you can see (from the left): Professor Agostino Dovier, me and the (former) dean of the University.
Receiving the award really felt like being in the sorting cerimony from Harry Potter.
October, 2021
Master degree
I got my master degree in Computer Science at University of Udine. My thesis was
about Quantum Finite Automata (QFA). A brief history of QFA was done in order to
give a clear characterization of the state of the art.
The original work introduced in this paper has turned into a paper you can find the publications section.
November, 2021
My PhD begins
Days after getting my Master Degree I started my PhD in Udine.
My main research focus will be Quantum Computing. In particular, I will
study theoretical foundations of Quantum Computation.
Anyway, I will always be ready to work on problems and topics outside quantum to expand
my limits.
June, 2022
Italian Confernce on Computational Logic
I got my proposal accepted at CILC 2022, hosted in Bologna.
The work was about Quantum Finite Auotmata.
July, 2022
Reversible Computation
A few days after CILC, I was in Urbino for RC. I presented a proposal about
Directed Graph Encoding in Quantum Computing.
In December 2022, Udine hosted the 21st edition of the International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. I had a paper accepted about Neural Network Reduction.
From March to May 2023, I was invited as a visiting student at Technical University of Munich.
I worked with the Quantum Team under Professor Robert Wille supervision.
The main topic I delved into was the Quantum Circuit Minimization. In particular, I got really interested into the T-gate and the CNOT-gate minimzation problem.
June, 2023
Italian Confernce on Computational Logic
I got two proposals accepted at CILC 2023, hosted in Udine.
One paper was about synthesis of CNOT optimal circuits. The other one was an attempt to create a bridge between Quantum Computing and Logic Programming.
Me and my co-author Alex Della Schiava were awarded with the best student paper prize for the latter article.
I got my paper on CNOT Minimization under topological constraints accepted at AIQxQIA, a workshop co-located with AIxIA23 in Rome.
AIQxQIA was the first edition of a workshop that aims at finding what Quantum Computation can do for AI and viceversa.
My supervisor and I were both members of the program committee.
In June 2024 I got my work on speeding up Answer Set Programming using Quantum Computation accepted ad QUASAR24.